What’s your favorite activity/hobby outside of work?
I’ve always enjoyed building or refinishing old furniture. Giving pieces a new look and a second life.
If you had unlimited funds, what would you do first?
I would check to see if my dad needed anything, he would probably say, “A new lawnmower.” After that I would try to find people and organizations that needed financial help and were in the business of helping people. If it’s “unlimited funds” make people’s lives better.
What was your first car-was it great or embarrassing? What’s your dream vehicle?
My first car was a Ford hand-me-down family station wagon. I was not the “cool car guy,” but it was great for hauling my drum-set around when I was in a band. My dream car would be a 1955Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing. I had a picture of one in my room when I was a kid and always wondered what it would be like to drive one.
Favorite spot in or around Huntsville?
Burritt on the Mountain. I love meeting friends there for Wednesday evening’s “Cocktails with a View,” and watching the beautiful sunsets.
What place would you like to visit and why?
I have always wanted to visit London and have my picture taken by all the places that have the name “Strand” associated with them… Strand Theatre, the Strand Street at Westminster, the Strand Palace Hotel, etc.
Who inspires you?
Anyone who gives of themselves. I have been witness to so many acts of kindness in my life, whether it be total strangers, celebrities, or my own parents and grandparents.