Entries by Jim Gharib

Fran Fluhler

On any given Monday, Wednesday or Thursday, the line begins to form early, sometimes as early as 10 a.m., even though the doors don’t officially open until 3:00 p.m. during the week and at 11:30 on Saturdays.

Mary Pat Riley

Mary Pat Riley has a passion for learning, helping and nature. Some of her local interests are Maple Hill Cemetery, Botanical Gardens, North Alabama Land Trust, Historic Huntsville Foundation and Burritt Museum.

Bruce Weddendorf

In addition to lending his mechanical engineering background and expertise for NASA, commercial customers, and the green energy industry, Bruce Weddendorf is also co-founder and Vice President of Straight to Ale

Bennie Jacks

A native of North Alabama, Bennie Jacks earned numerous honors and awards during her long career at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, including the coveted Silver Snoopy award, presented by an astronaut to recognize

Ray Maranda

Ray Maranda is in his fourth decade as a chef and ice carver. He moved to Huntsville in 1992 with Club Corporation
of America, known in Huntsville as Heritage Club.

Louis Breland

Louis Breland, founder of Breland Properties and Breland Homes will talk to you all day long about his commercial and residential building projects like Town Madison and the new Clift Farm development.

A Tale of Two Weddings

Our annual wedding issue often comes with how-to’s and where-to’s. But this issue we chose to feature the stories of two couples from meeting to proposal, ceremony to honeymoon and beyond.